Calendar of Paintball Events At OSG Paintball
We are officially re-opening for the 2025 season! Come join us for some paintball, see the friends you missed in the off season, and take advantage of some amazing deals in the proshop to kick your season off right.
March 30th - (B)ring (Y)our(O)wn (P)aint days! Since this is still a winter BYOP, we will have limited fields available, but we will be running multiple groups. You pay to play paintball, we make sure you play all day.
April 13th - This is a pump only private game and a perfect day to challenge yourself with a different style of play. Walk-ons will be separate. Pump players are welcome to hop into walk-on games, but players with semi-auto markers will not be allowed to play in this pump only game.
The title says it all. Friday night walk on play begins on April 25th. We'll play from 3:30-until it gets too dark. Bunker will be open from 4:00-7:00.
April 27th - Join us on the last Sunday of every month for our(B)ring (Y)our(O)wn (P)aint days. This will be the start of the new BYOP format! Larger, longer games. Expect limited wait times between games and all the paintball you can handle.
Save the date! The first scenario game of the 2024 season lands on May 4th!
May 16th - A monthly night for the Ladies! This is a private game for women only. There will be ladiess night specials down in The Bunker. Regular walk on play will run separate.
May 25th - Join us on the last Sunday of every month for our(B)ring (Y)our(O)wn (P)aint days. Larger, longer, objective based games. Expect limited wait times between games and all the paintball you can handle.
We will be OPEN for walk-on play and private groups on Memorial Day, May 26th.
June 8th - The day we appreciate our season pass holders! Season pass holders will receive free food, drinks, paint, and discounts in the proshop.
June 19th - We will be OPEN for walk-on play and private groups on Juneteenth, June 19th.
June 20th - A monthly night for the Ladies! This is a private game for women only. There will be ladiess night specials down in The Bunker. Regular walk on play will run separate.
June 29th - Join us on the last Sunday of every month for our(B)ring (Y)our(O)wn (P)aint days. Larger, longer, objective based games. Expect limited wait times between games and all the paintball you can handle.
July 4 - We will be OPEN for walk-on play and private groups on Independance Day.
Join us on the last Sunday of every month for our(B)ring (Y)our(O)wn (P)aint days. Larger, longer, objective based games. Expect limited wait times between games and all the paintball you can handle.
July 18th - A monthly night for the Ladies! This is a private game for women only. There will be ladiess night specials down in The Bunker. Regular walk on play will run separate.
Save the date! Join us on July 20th for our annual Operation Overlord scenario game. More info coming soon.
July 27th - Join us on the last Sunday of every month for our(B)ring (Y)our(O)wn (P)aint days. Larger, longer, objective based games. Expect limited wait times between games and all the paintball you can handle.
August 15th - A monthly night for the Ladies! This is a private game for women only. There will be ladiess night specials down in The Bunker. Regular walk on play will run separate.
August 17th - Join us for our first 3 man tournament of the season! One of the biggest complaints we've heard about mech only tournaments revolve around the rate of fire. So for 2025, we are aiming to blend a bit of the old with some of the new.
August 31st - Join us on the last Sunday of every month for our(B)ring (Y)our(O)wn (P)aint days. Larger, longer, objective based games. Expect limited wait times between games and all the paintball you can handle.
September 1st - We will be OPEN for walk-on play and private groups on Labor Day
Save the date! Join us on September 14th for our annual September scenario game. More info coming soon.
September 21st - A day for the Ladies! This is a private game for women only. There will be ladiess night specials down in The Bunker. Regular walk on play will run separate.
September 28 - Join us on the last Sunday of every month for our(B)ring (Y)our(O)wn (P)aint days. Larger, longer, objective based games. Expect limited wait times between games and all the paintball you can handle.
1053 North Barnstead Rd.
Center Barnstead, NH 03225
Open 7 Days A Week For Private Parties
Saturdays: 9:30-4:00
Sundays: 9:30-4:00
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