frequently asked questions


common field questions

We have collected some of the most popular questions asked by our customers. If you have a question that is not listed below, you can always contact us and we will assist you right away; maybe your question will make the list!

  • What is The Minimum Age

    The minimum age is 9 and up for private parties and 10 and up for walk on play.

  • Does it hurt when you get hit?

    It’s not laser tag. The paintball will break upon impact. We promise it doesn’t hurt as bad as you are probably thinking. Sometimes you don’t even feel it…sometimes. If you are feeling apprehensive about it, we do offer Low Impact Paintball that is geared towards kids between the ages of 10-14. It hurts less and the guns weigh less which makes it perfect for birthday parties that include young kids.

  • Do I need to reserve rental equipment ahead of time?

    No. However, we strongly suggest that reserve ahead of time as we have a limited amount of rental equipment. If you need 10 or more rental packages, a reservation is required.

  • Can I come by myself?

    Yes! Whether you’re by yourself or with a group, we will do our best to accommodate your playing needs. If you’d like to play against or with your group, simply speak to the referee. If you come by yourself, we’ll put you with a group of walk-ons. Don’t worry, paintball is a team sport and everyone is happy to have an addition to their team!

  • How much paint will I shoot in a day?

    It depends on what type of player you are. Some players shoot more, some less, depending on how itchy your trigger finger is! The average player shoots about 500-1000 paintballs.

  • What should I wear?

    Paintballs are biodegradable and do not stain your clothing. Long sleeves and long pants are recommended and proper footwear is advised. (i.e. boots, sneakers) Camouflage is a plus, but not necessary.

  • If I want a private game, does it cost extra?

    No. It does not cost extra for private games. However, we do ask that you tip the referees that work with you that day. The appropriate tip amount is up to you.

  • Do you allow fully automatic paintball markers?

    No. Paintball markers are to be set on semi-auto mode only. Ramping, any burst mode, or excessive bounce will not be tolerated. RT (Response trigger) guns are allowed with a regulated ROF. What is an acceptable ROF is at he discretion of your referee and our staff.

  • How long do games last?

    Games last a maximum of 20 minutes. Groups of players will rotate throughout the day and play on all available fields.

  • May I drink alcohol and play paintball?

    No. You may not drink alcohol and play paintball.  We serve alcohol at the bar/food truck which you may consume when you are finished playing. If you drink while you are playing, you will be asked to leave. This keeps everyone safe.

  • Do you play in the rain?

    Yes. We’re open rain, shine, snow, sleet, freezing rain, torrential downpours, and during alien invasions. Ok maybe not alien invasions, but you get the point.

  • Is Paintball Safe?

    Yes. Statistically, paintball has fewer injuries than bowling or golf. Like any sport, proper safety rules must be adhered to and common sense used. Safety is our main concern. Barrel bags must be used when in safety zones, certified paintball masks must be used at all times in playing areas, and all marker speeds must be checked by our experienced referee staff. Anyone violating OSG’s safety rules will be ejected from the paintball park.

  • Why Field Paint?

    Field paint makes it possible for us to maintain our high-quality  43-acre facility, frequently build new fields, update existing fields, and employ 30+ of the best referees and staff in New England.

  • Can I request a referee?

    Yes. Just don’t do it too much as it will inflate their ego!

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