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The third scenario game of the season is here!
The Breakdown
This scenario game will function similar to our past scenario games with a few small tweaks and 6 large ones.
The Generals
Frank Grow will command the red team. Frank has been a general at many of our scenario games and brings year of experience to the field.
Jim Bancroft will command the yellow team. Jim has been a player up at OSG for years. He’s a gamer, developer, and has all the tools necessary to lead his team to victory!
The Game Map
Download the full resolution map below:
Game Rules. Tank Rules. All Day Missions
You can find game rules, tank rules, and all day missions in the documents below. A few key points.
For the detailed run down of the game rules, click the link below.
If you haven’t done so, save time at check in and $$ on paint. Click that button below to purchase tickets!
Gates open at 7:00 am. Game briefing begins at 9:00-ish following by the general’s briefing. Game starts at 10:00 am sharp whether you are on field or not.
The post Join the Assault – World of Tanks Scenario Paintball appeared first on OSG Paintball.