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December is here and so is the snow! Sadly, this brings us to the end of the 2016 paintball season. This was the busiest season we have had in the history of the company by a landslide. The OSG Paintball family grew tighter, new friends were made, and great paintball was had all year.
OSG is more than just a paintball field to many of us. It’s a community. It’s a family. That community is what gets us up early in the morning and keeps us here late preparing for the next day. It’s also what drives us to make the paintball experience here second to none in New England and one of the best you can have in the country.
This season we saw the completion of our Star Wars field , bringing our field total to a legitimate 11 fields that we are now able play every single day. Next season we have one very large build in the works, and a ton of smaller builds that will enhance everyone’s experience. We will not be launching a new field next year, but we will begin work clearing for a 12th field in the future. We will have more details over the winter about these expansion plans.
We would like to thank every single person who came to play paintball with us this year and every season pass holder who has helped us grow paintball at the field and in the state of NH. The term “grow paintball” is thrown around by everyone in the paintball industry but not always practiced at the most important levels. We firmly believe that to grow paintball, it is vital that the first experience is something unforgettable. This sometimes means restraint by seasoned players on the field. This culture we promote is not possible without buy in from season pass holders and our “regulars”. You all have done that, and we thank you so much for helping us with this monumental task.
Lastly, a special shout out to the players below. These eight players round out the top 5 visits of the season. You all rock, and we can’t wait to see you all again in the spring!
5. Alicia Young – 24
4. Christian Desrochers – 28
4. Tobias Salmon – 28
3. Brett Perry – 30
3. Spencer Oelschlager – 30
2. Paul Pantaleo – 31
2. Ryan Dalton – 31
1. Andrew Eccleston – 36
If you want to play as much as the players above without breaking your wallet, our 2017 season passes are on sale at a 20% discount until January 1st. Mash that button below for all the details!
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